A gold group logo on a white background.


Jess Wilson


Jess has been involved with the real estate market since Jeff obtained his license, and became licensed herself 3 years later. Due to a passion for tackling new challenges, she assists the team with operations and implementing new strategies.

In addition to real estate sales, Jess enjoys conducting interviews, writing articles and providing relevant real estate information to clientele living or interested in the Haliburton Highlands Real Estate market. Providing design inspiration, market stats, and updates on relevant listings and sales.

Managing digital audiences of prospects interested in waterfront properties that are targeted (and re-targeted) on social media and Google, Our strategy continues to grow daily as we come up with new ideas for video, ads, and content to appeal to local individuals and those in the GTA who are actively property hunting in the Muskokas, Kawartha Lakes, and Haliburton Highlands. Each listing is marketed individually, promoting its most desirable special characteristics to a relevant pool of buyers.

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